Common Name: Jaguar Cichlid, Aztec Cichlid
Origin: Central America
Max Size: 16 inches
Temperature: 74 to 85 Degrees
PH Level: 6.0 to 8.0
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Aggressive
Care Level: Moderate
Note: A beautiful, but extremely aggressive, territorial, and predatory species with a rather unique look. The ''jaguar'' in their common name refers to their spotted body patterns somewhat like the fur-bearing jaguars. These spots and/or blotches vary considerably.

Jaguar Cichlids are named for their gold to bronze scales with black markings; their pattern gives their bodies the appearance of a Jaguar pelt. They have translucent fins with iridescent, gold and black patterns that can also contain beautiful, blue-green hues.

Jaguar Cichlids are a large, aggressive and territorial predatory species; tank mates should be considered carefully and should be comparable in size.
Jaguar Cichlids are carnivorous, facultative piscivores (feed primarily on smaller fish but will also accept a wide range of other meaty foods) and should be fed a variety of foods, such as live or frozen ghost shrimp, minnows, bloodworms, blackworms, mealworms, crayfish, small frogs, and crickets. Jaguar Cichlids will also accept some freeze-dried foods and prepared Cichlid pellets.
Jaguar Cichlids are egg-layers that practice brood care.