Common Name: Threadfin Geophagus
Origin: South America
Max Size: 10 inches
Temperature: 78 to 86 Degrees
PH Level: 5.5 to 7.5
Diet: Omnivore
Temperament: Semi Aggressive
Care Level: Moderate
Threadfins prefer warm, soft, acidic, and clean water as well as an area of low or subdued lighting where they can sift around for snacks.
The Threadfin is an omnivore that generally feeds from the bottom of the aquarium (but will surface for frozen bloodworms) and should be fed a variety of foods, such as live, prepared, frozen or freeze-dried: brine shrimp, bloodworms, blackworms, krill, flake food, and soft, sinking, Cichlid pellets.
Threadfins are brood caring, cave-breeders and getting them to breed may be difficult. To stimulate breeding, feed a high protein diet (live or frozen foods) and raise the water temperature to 88° F for a few days and let it drop to around 77° F for the next few days (to simulate the wet season for spawning).
Note: Threadfin Geophagus is a peaceful species that is commonly found adding action and color to South American Biotope aquariums as well as some of the less aggressive Cichlid tanks.