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New Arrivals: Motoro Sting Rays have just arrived, Tigrinus Catfish, Baby Red Belly Piranhas
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Latest Stock Updates
1. Tigrinus Catfish 4" (Merodontotus Tigrinus)
2. Red Belly piranha 1" (Pygocentrus Nattereri)
3. Peacock Bass Temensis 4"-5" (Cichla Temensis)
4. Gold Diamond Piranha 3"-4" (Serrasalmus Rombeus)
5. Altuvei Piranha 3" (Serrasalmus Altuvei)
6. Platinum Alligator Gar 9"-10"
7. African Pike 5"-6" (Hesetus Odoe)
8. Additional OddBall Fish In Stock
9. White bullseye Motoro 6" (Female)
10. Granulosus Catfish 2" (Synodontis Granulosus)
11. African Tiger Fish 5"-6" (Hydrocynus Vittatus)
12. Super Spot Motoro Stingray Male 5"-6" (Potomotygon Motoro)
13. Wolf Fish 6"-7" (Hoplias Malabaricus)
14. Red Belly piranha 3" (Pygocentrus Nattereri)
15. Blue Diamond Piranha 4"-5" (Serrasalmus Rhombues)
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What's New
1. Ruby Red Spilo 2"-3" (Very Agressive) Hard to Get
2. Manuelli Piranha 5"-6" (Serrasalmus Manuelli)
3. Tigrinus Catfish 4" (Merodontotus Tigrinus)
4. Albino Synodontus Multipunctatus 3"-4"
5. Luteus Pleco 14" Phase 2
6. Platinum RedTail Catfish 2"-3" (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus)
7. Granulosus Catfish 2" (Synodontis Granulosus)
8. Blue Diamond Piranha 2.5"-3" (Serrasalmus Rhombues)
9. Piraya Piranha 5"-5.5" (Pygocentrus Piraya)
10. Hybrid Stingray 5"-6" Male 3 (Potamotrygon sp.)
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Product Reviews
fwf stingray motoro 5-6 - Super Spot Motoro Stingray Male 5"-6" (Potomotygon Motoro)
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Number of reviews : 48
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  great service
mike taco - usa   (Saturday, March 17, 2018)

so long story short i purchased an out of stock fish but was offered a hybrid for same price... came in looks so fantastic better than pic and what i expected doing good so far and id recommend mike for all the help thanks again i plan on buying more. and make sure to call before you purchase to see if in stock

  Very pleased
Carlos - Springfield, Virginia   (Friday, May 27, 2016)

Motoro ray arrived alive and well within an hour has eaten red wrigglers and blood worms. I couldn't be happier with my purchase

  5-6 inch Motoro Stingrays
Rocco Baker - Indiana   (Friday, May 20, 2016)

Incredible looking Motoro Rays. Arrived with minimal stress. Acclimated very well and have been eating like crazy since day one. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  3' Chicla Kelberi Bahias
JB - East Bay, CA - USA   (Thursday, February 19, 2015)

ERWIN & NICOLE ARE AWESOME! Talk about customer service! Not once but twice, they called to update me with the shipment status. Who does that these days?! I am nothing short of impressed! Unfortunately, due to the winter weather issues, my package has been delayed and sitting 2 days in one of FedEx's cold a## warehouses. Erwin & Nicole both assured me that they would replace my CK Bahia's if they end up DOA *crossing fingers that they aren't*. Businesses should model their customer service standards after outfits like Aquascape Online. This is how to generate new customers and maintain customer retention. I for sure will be ordering from them in the near future and beyond. Good job guys! If your boss is reading this... Please give these two a raise, it would be well deserved.

Marshall Godon - United States   (Friday, August 9, 2013)

Ordered the ray on Sunday got him on Wednesday at 1200 noon exactly he was in perfect shape bigger then i thought he ate that night thank you! would order again.

Cameron - USA   (Friday, January 27, 2012)

very happy with the ray. i have bought countless fish from aquascape and i always will- never have been disappointed!

Thanks again aquascape!

  Good info
Pharme539 - ptuuopyp   (Friday, January 20, 2012)

Hello! gkdeece interesting gkdeece site! I'm really like it! Very, very gkdeece good!

Kevske - USA   (Friday, July 29, 2011)

Got my ray last week and it is everything I expected from aquascape!! I have ordered Caribe's, Black Rhoms in the past and Nicole and Pedro did not let me down this time again...Awesome company to deal with! Thanks Nicole for dealing with the screaming kids...LOL

Motoro - USA   (Tuesday, July 19, 2011)

This is one nigga of a stingray

  Motoro Sting Ray
Ron Lapointe - USA   (Sunday, July 3, 2011)

Stingray arrived alive and well. Took to my 125gal tank very well with all the other fish.... I am VERY HAPPY with everything.

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Red Belly Piranha Babies
15.00 ea 10 For 120.00 Special
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