Red Spilo 3.5"-4" (Serrasalmus Sanchezi)
(fwf piranha Serra Spilo Red M)
Fish Size:
Scientific Name:
Serrasalmus sanchezi (Géry, 1964)
Common Names:
Ruby-Red Piranha, Ruby-Throated Diamond Piranha.
Rio Itayi, Rio Pacaya, Rio Ucayali, Peru.
Maximum Size:
About 18cm. (7").
Body Characteristics:
The Ruby-Red Piranha owns its name to the bright deep red belly once mature. The flanks are speckled with iridesecent silver scales. The body is compressed, and rhomboid in shape. The shape of the head is concave.
The pecoral fins are red, the anal fin a reddish grey, and the dorsal, ventral and adipose fins are translucent grey. The tail fin is dark in color, with a grey to white mid-line tail band. The color of the eyes is red.
Juvenile specimen are silvery in color, covered with small dark spots, and look very similar to juveniles of most other piranha species.

Distinctive/unique features:
- Red eyes.
- Black terminal band on tail fin.
Juveniles and sub-adults can be kept in a tank measuring 24x12". When they reach a size of 4-6", a 32" long, 12-14" deep tank is more suitable to provide enough space to move and turn freely. Adult fish need a tank of at least 40x16x16".
Compatible Species:
NONE. Because of its fin-nipping habit and extreme intolerance towards other tank mates, this species is best kept alone in a species tank.
More than one specimen can be kept in a single tank, but that is only recommended if 35-40 gallons of tank space per individual can be provided. And even then it is a risky business. In some rare cases, a Pleco, Raphael Catfish or other heavily armed catfish worked out.
Fish (fillets, frozen fish and live feeders), shrimps and other crustaceans, insects, pellets, rain worms. In some cases, this species will also accept fruits, seeds and nuts.
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