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Impressive Service
michael warren - USA (Saturday, July 9, 2005)
I recieved my 10 2' RBP and am very impressed with the service and the health and quality of the fish! I will certianly order from Aquascape again.
my review
Ray - north east USA (Friday, July 8, 2005)
1st time ordering and boy what a great job..I orderded 10 2' red bellys on thursday and got them on friday..what a pleasure..Thank you..oh fish look great all are alive..
joshua pena - North America (Friday, July 1, 2005)
I really iam glad that i found this site were i can get theses wonderful fish. because ive spent my whole life
looking for them now i know were to buy them i will be getting a great amount from you. pedro
Amazing Amazonians
Mandi - USA (Friday, June 17, 2005)
You have a great website that is very informational, though I can't help noticing you never mention how large of tank you should keep for certain kinds of fish. I'm looking into buying piranha but I need to figure out what size of tank I need to get first, I'm looking at a 30-gallon hexagonal tank but I don't know how many r.b. piranha it should hold.
Junaid Hamid - USA (Wednesday, June 15, 2005)
Today I recieved my rbp(4) in the begginging they were all just sitting on the bottom of the tank chilling. Then one got cranky and the rest did. I put some bolngni in there and they went physcho. THANK YOU PEDRO!!!
Billy - usa (Saturday, June 11, 2005)
these fish are here fast and packed great....My girl and I just sat and watched the tank as those little guys went at a piece of roast we put in there..awsome fish..will order again..thanks pedro
Ron - West Coast (Thursday, June 2, 2005)
I received these fishes from Pedro and they are extremely aggressive. Even at this size, they attacked each other. One of them got its right eye bitten off by its shoal mate.
The quality of the fish is excellent and some of them are already showing red on its gill plate.
Thank you Pedro. :-)
Red Belly Piranhas
Brian - USA (Saturday, May 28, 2005)
I will own no other species of fish.The best quality packaging and shipping bar none.The more the better!
Junaid - USA (Tuesday, May 17, 2005)
Hi Pedro I would like to purchase 5 of these redz and was wondering is a 35 gallon tank good for 5, and will they be VERY aggressive?
two thumbs up
Chris - unknown (Wednesday, May 11, 2005)
well this is my second order from pedro- this time 10 2' reds, well packaged, when i first put then into the tank they all went straight to the bottom some even upside fear i just left them alone... when i went back with the net 30 min later i found ten nice reds shoaling nicely