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Pirranha is a savage
Andrew - Cave (Monday, October 29, 2018)
This pirranha got high off lsd and ate the hell outta the rocks in the tank
Nick - usa (Saturday, January 22, 2011)
I got 2 of these beasts 4-5 inches about one or two months ago I put them in a 150 gallon fish tank with 1 caribe I had which at one time where in there with four other caribes which he ate and he is 3.5 inches and these guys are doing great they eat a lot they are getting bigger everyday really aggressive and eat a lot them and the caribe dont fight that much but mostly school they have grown big since i putthem in my big new tank and couldnt ask for any better bussiness.
matt - matt (Sunday, July 15, 2007)
WOW...... john you better fence that off before you go outside an its the kid not the raccoon(legal issues) you know what im saying, but any way the fish rule and so does aquascape
Amazing species
Constantine - Amazing species (Friday, April 13, 2007)
These fish are exceptional. Unlike their brothers bred in captivity, these fish seem to have hunter's instincts that are endemic to their own kind. Very pleased. The staff at AquaScape are second to none.
Red belly Piranhas
Andy - England (Sunday, January 29, 2006)
I have got five red belly piranhas of my own. three of them are 6' long and the other two are 4' long. I feed my fish LIVE bate (gold fish cos they are thick) Beacon and stake raw. Once or twice nearly had my finger for breakfast cool !.
piranhas rock
ic - philippines (Monday, October 3, 2005)
I have 3 rbp's and they are just so fscinating. they eat almost anything they can catch, and they're so easy to maintain. reading about piranha care tips in the internet recently, i discovered i was doing stuff i wasn't supposed to do, like giving the not-so-reccomended diet, keeping 3 of them in a 20gal aquarium, or leaving the air conditioner in the room on until the aquarium glass starts forming vapor... six months i've been doing this, and still there have been no sicknesses or casualties. and i can tell they're still happy. hehe. if you guys can come to the phillippines, look for piranhas here, they're about 300pesos apiece.
john - USA (Wednesday, April 27, 2005)
i have about 60 full grown red belly piranhas in a 5,000 gallon backyard pond that i built and they are just awesome fish. one time i woke up to a sound of a child screaming so i went out back and turned on the porch lights and saw something splashing in the water, turns out a racoon went for a swim and well lets say he didnt come out. lol awesome personalitys on these guys
great fish
casey - United States (Tuesday, March 15, 2005)
Once again Pedro does it agian, i now have three diffrent kinds of pirahna's...the super red is sweet has great red colros and makes my tank way more aggro!! i have 4 of the reds, he even bit a hole through the bag, when shipped!!!!