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Gulper Catfish
Riley Saxton - Clarence Center, NY (Saturday, December 2, 2017)
Gulper came it at around six inches in a well-packaged, nearly waste-free bag. He started exploring the tank hours after acclimation, and hours later, already trusted me enough to hand feed him some thawed, uncooked shrimp. Very happy with my purchase!
Gulper Catfish
Zeke the Fishgeek - Chattavegas (Thursday, November 3, 2016)
I got a trio of the Gulper Catfish about 2 years ago. They were about as big as a AA battery in girth & about 1.5' long. They are now about 6' in length. I only feed them a decent sized quarantined live fish or something else meaty(U.S.A. Wild Caught Shrimp for example.) that I stuff with Hikari Massivore Pellets. I keep them in a 80 gallon 'breeder'type tank that's 48'x24'x24'. It's filled with driftwood, smooth river rocks, & some hardy live plants. I do 30-50% water changes twice per week. I use a mixture of aged tap water that has a peatmoss/Blackwater extract mixture added to it, combined with rainwater. It has an average PH of 6.2-6.7 usually. I ended up with 1 male(Obvious white tipped, thick 1st ray on its anal fin)and 2 females. I really like them and they've been a pleasure to keep. They are hand tame, coming up to the surface of the water at the front glass to take anything meaty that is offered to them. Then they squabble a bit, usually mouthing each other's head, attempting to steal food from one another. I'd definitely recommend these awesome oddball catfish to anyone that's even thought about keeping one. Such a wonderful little pet monster fish. I'd also HIGHLY recommend buying any & all of your oddball predatory fish from Aquascape. I've ALWAYS had EXCELLENT service & their fish are second to NONE! They always get an A+ in the quality of their livestock. I truly appreciate everything Aquascape has done for me, supporting my fishgeek aquarium hobby in the past and hopefully for MANY years to come. PRE-SHE-ATE-CHA!
Very Cool
Anthony - NJ (Saturday, December 12, 2015)
I purchased this fish and could not be happier, Very cool Fish. Thanks AquaScapeOnline
Gulper Catfish
Patrick - West Chicago, IL (Thursday, August 15, 2013)
I just received two very nice Gulper Catfish and they are doing very well! They were shipped properly. I am a happy customer!
gulper catfish
Mark - ohio (Wednesday, October 17, 2012)
5' gulper catfish for sale eats 3'goldfish like there going out of style
Gulper Catfish
Win - Manchester, NH (Saturday, May 28, 2011)
Got two Gulpers thanks to Nicole. Cute little guys came to the house in great shape, ate right away and haven't slow down. Awesome!!!!!
gulper cat
Dave - new york (Saturday, June 19, 2010)
got my fish on a sat. I ate right away and has'nt stoped. mouth opens bigger than body. thanks for your help nichole.
Gulper Catfish
Teddy - New York (Friday, May 14, 2010)
Purchased my fish from Pedro at Aqua Scape. The fish is unbelievable. Pedro and his staff are incredible. If your in the market for exotic fish look no further these guys are the best of the best. I will always purchase from Aqua Scape from now on.
Gulper Catfish
Orlando G. - uSA (Wednesday, March 25, 2009)
I got my Gulper from Pedro and he is a bad ass fish. Great condition and packaging as always.
I will never order from anywhere else online.
Thanks P
Gulper Catfish
Cornell - Salisbury, Md (Monday, December 8, 2008)
I have a Gulper Catfish that will eat anything you put in front of him which is 4 inches on down which he is about 5 inches. I was wandering what else do these guys like as well as food and objects in the water as well as fast paste water or shallow?