Common Name: Lima Shovelnose Catfish
Origin: Peru, Amazon
Max Size: 18 inches
Temperature: 73 to 84 Degrees
PH Level: 6.2 to 7.3
Diet: Omnivore
Temperament: Aggressive
Care Level: Moderate
The Lima shovelnose Catfish requires a larger aquarium as an adult (180 gallons or more), but can be raised in smaller aquariums from 55 gallons on up as a juvenile. They are an active fish species that is known to jump out of uncovered aquariums, thus well covered aquariums are recommended.
Video is an actual fish in stock...
Note: Lima shovelnose will do best in aquariums that resemble their natural surroundings as close as possible, thus a sandy/gravel mixed substrate, driftwood or tree root and Amazonian plant species will all highly desirable additions to a Lima shovelnose tank. While not overly sensitive to overall water quality the Lima shovelnose does put out a large bio-load, which means aquariums housing this species should have strong biological filtration and good water movement in order to keep high quality water conditions. Lastly the Lima shovelnose should be housed with other large aggressive fish species that it cannot fit in its mouth.