Brandtii Piranha 5"-6" (Serrasalmus Brandtii)
(FwF Piranha Serra Brandtii 6)
Fish Size:
Scientific Name:
Common Names:
Brandtii Piranha, 24KGold Piranha.
This species is only found in Brasil: Rio São Francisco and some tributaries (like Rio Itapicurù).
Maximum Size:
about 30cm. (12")
Body Characteristics:
The Brandtii Piranha is predominantly gold-coloured, although some specimen can be almopst completely silver or have brownish tints. It has bright, iredescent scales on its flanks and a very concave head shape. Most fins are transluscent, and in the same colour as the body. The anal fin can be red, and the caudal fin is dark on the base. The eyes are silver.
Distinctive/unique features:
Clear eyes.
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