Note: Frontosa Cichlids generally have a white or light blue body with either 6 or 7 black vertical bars along each side. As adults, they develop a large cephalic hump on the front of their head which is typically more pronounced on the male than the female. This hump is actually a large fat deposit that rests atop a dorsal muscle that tends to extend forward. The hump develops and increases in size with age and is usually a sign of sexual fecundity. Their fins also become more elaborate with age, which makes a mature Frontosa a very impressive sight as the combination of their large size, attractive coloration and elaborate fins make them a truly impressive sight to behold.
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Semi Aggressive
Max Size: 14"
Temperature: 72 to 82 Degrees
PH Level: 7.8 to 9.0
Diet: Carnivore
Origin: Lake Tanganyika