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1. Red Belly piranha 1" (Pygocentrus Nattereri)
2. Elongatus black mask 5"-6" (Serrasalmus Elongatus)
3. Red Belly piranha 3" (Pygocentrus Nattereri)
4. African Tiger Fish 5"-6" (Hydrocynus Vittatus)
5. Albino Silver Arowana 7"-8" (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum)
6. Peacock Bass Temensis 4"-5" (Cichla Temensis)
7. Elongatus black mask 4"-5" (Serrasalmus Elongatus)
8. Gold Diamond Piranha 3"-4" (Serrasalmus Rombeus)
9. Altuvei Piranha 3" (Serrasalmus Altuvei)
10. Platinum Alligator Gar 9"-10"
11. African Pike 5"-6" (Hesetus Odoe)
12. Additional OddBall Fish In Stock
13. Granulosus Catfish 2" (Synodontis Granulosus)
14. Blue Diamond Piranha 3" (Serrasalmus Rhombues)
15. Wolf Fish 6"-7" (Hoplias Malabaricus)
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What's New
1. Ruby Red Spilo 2"-3" (Very Agressive) Hard to Get
2. Manuelli Piranha 5"-6" (Serrasalmus Manuelli)
3. Tigrinus Catfish 4" (Merodontotus Tigrinus)
4. Albino Synodontus Multipunctatus 3"-4"
5. Luteus Pleco 14" Phase 2
6. Platinum RedTail Catfish 2"-3" (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus)
7. Granulosus Catfish 2" (Synodontis Granulosus)
8. Blue Diamond Piranha 2.5"-3" (Serrasalmus Rhombues)
9. Piraya Piranha 5"-5.5" (Pygocentrus Piraya)
10. Hybrid Stingray 5"-6" Male 3 (Potamotrygon sp.)
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Chinese Sailfin Shark 3"-4" (Myxocyprinus asiaticus)

(fwf odd shark hifin)

Fish Size:

Chinese Sailfin Shark 3"-4" (Myxocyprinus asiaticus)

"Myxocyprinus asiaticus is one of the two surviving cotostomids (suckers) found in Asia, the other being the Siberian Cotostomus rotratus, and originates from mountain streams in the Yangtze River, China. Consequently Myxocyprinus asiaticus enjoy plenty of aeration and can tolerate wide temperature variations (65 - 82°F).

As with many fish, Myxocyprinus asiaticus are sensitive to any abrupt changes and are particularly susceptible to nitrates. Good, powerful filtration and regular partial water changes are essential. Don't become overly concerned if the fish frequently changes colour. Myxocyprinus asiaticus will lighten and darken as their mood takes them.

Myxocyprinus asiaticus are an ideal community fish. They can be kept as individuals but are at their most impressive in a shoal. Additionally they are placid in nature and continually on the move in the search for food stopping to rest only occasionally. The fish generally remain on the substrate swimming in an almost a clownish manner, along the edges and contours of the aquarium. They will on occasion, swim along long-leafed plants or up the sides of the tank until they are inverted and drift back down to the bottom. Interestingly, their active nature ceases at night. Almost immediately after lights out Myxocyprinus asiaticus will stop and rest.

In nature Myxocyprinus asiaticus can reach an amazing three feet in length!  The fish has a high body profile in relation to its length and the tip of the dorsal fin can reach to over two feet in height. Fortunately, Myxocyprinus asiaticus are slow growing. In my experience they grow around 2 inches per year and it is thought that the fish can survive over 25 years. The fish also loose their white "stripes" with age. The adult fish take on an overall darker appearance although this is somewhat dependent on their diet. Feeding brine shrimp brings out pink rather than orange flecks in the fish's colouration.

Myxocyprinus asiaticus enjoy a variety of foods and can be fed flake and vegetable matter, although this must be supplemented with either live or frozen foods such as bloodworm and the aforementioned brine shrimp. Always observe the fish when feeding as they can stop eating. If this happens check the aquarium for nitrate, perform a water change if necessary and begin feeding live food only.

Almost nothing is known about the breeding of Myxocyprinus asiaticus. In fact the distinct lack of success by experts in this area was once attributed to the rumour that only males were exported in an attempt by the Chinese to corner the Myxo market!

It is however thought that breeding is similar to that of Cotostomus cotostomus, the American counterpart to the Myxo's Siberian relation, Cotostomus rotratus. Cotostomus sp. spawn in groups after a migration to quieter waters in the summer and depending on the size and species, some American cotostomids lay upto 50,000 eggs which, are guarded by the male."

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