Common Name: Earth Eater “Jurupari”
Origin: South America
Max Size: 10 inches
Temperature: 77 to 85 Degrees
PH Level: 5.0 to 6.5
Diet: Omnivore
Temperament: Semi Aggressive
Care Level: Easy

Note: Satanoperca jurupari, is an active, beautiful, and generally peaceful species that is also known as the Demon Fish (Satanoperca).

Earth Eaters will sift and burrow through sand and have been known to snack on some live plant species, so live plants that attach to driftwood and rocks, or potted plants are recommended. Earth Eaters prefer warm, soft, acidic, and clean water as well as areas of low or subdued lighting where they can sift around for snacks. Earth Eaters prefer to live in groups and are relatively peaceful Cichlids that have been successful in a community environment.

Earth Eaters are mouth brooders and getting them to breed can be difficult, but may be helped by raising the water temperature to 86-87° F and feeding plenty of live and frozen foods that are high in protein.