Hoplarchus psittacus
Common Name: Parrot Cichlid
Origin: South America, Amazon Basin
Max Size: 15 inches
Temperature: 82 to 88 Degrees
PH Level: 4.5 to 6.5
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Semi Aggressive
Care Level: Expert

Note: The Parrot Cichlid is a beautiful, metallic-green species with bright red eyes that is native to flooded forest regions and blackwater habitats of South America.
The Parrot Cichlid is considered to be rare and one may be hard to find.
Live plants are appreciated as they help with natural, biological filtration and are abundant in their native blackwater environment,

Parrot Cichlids are carnivores and eat insects, crustaceans and minnows in the wild. Care must be taken not to overfeed as they are very sensitive to polluted water conditions. Feed once every other day to once daily and only what they will consume in a few minutes.
Parrot Cichlids have no apparent sexual dimorphism, but it's said that a male will be larger and more rounded in shape. They are egg layers that practice brood care and although breeding is extremely rare in captivity.